Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Well we've been married for 4 years now. I never thought I'd get married within 2 months from meeting and going on our first date, but sure enough you can't help who your heart falls for. I'm sure glad my heart fell for him. We were married on Feb 29th, 2008 because leap year may come every 4 years, but a love like ours comes only once in a lifetime. We were just recently sealed for time and all eternity and it feels so wonderful knowing that we are now a "Forever Family". It's been such a blessing to have Chad in my life and I am grateful every day that the Lord lets me enjoy here on earth with my SOULMATE.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fireworks on the Fourth

This 4th of July Chad and I were able to go to Wyoming with his brother and sister. We met his parents there and had a blast. Grandma and Grandpa Lloyd live in Wyoming and they have several animals. It was so much fun to spend time with his family, many of we have not seen since we got married over 2 years ago. We sat around the fire pit outside and roasted hotdogs and smores and listened to country music while listening to Grandpa tell stories. I love my husbands family and I wish we lived a lot closer to them so we could visit more often. As it started to get dark there was a fire that started a few housed down. Chad's Grandpa is on the fire department so he had to rush down the road to help put out the fire.

Then when it got dark his Uncle lit off some fireworks and it was awesome. Since Chad and I have been married, we have never seen fireworks together. So this was a cool first for us. In order to see fireworks like this in Utah we usually have to pay or travel to a designated location because big fireworks like this are illegal in Utah.
One of the coolest things was as we were driving home that night, all of the town was still setting off their fireworks and it was so amazing to see huge fireworks all over the valley. I wish I still had my camera out so I could have gotten a picture of it. It was truly something I've never seen before. Next year we are planning on doing the same thing and I plan on being prepared with my camera.

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